Maryland Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions Answered
​Is it lawful for a medical cannabis patient to own or possess a firearm?
No. Federal law bars medical cannabis patients from purchasing or possessing firearms. The Federal Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3), prohibits any person who is an ‘unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)’ from shipping, transporting, receiving or possessing firearms or ammunition. Marijuana is listed in the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I controlled substance, and there are no exceptions in Federal law for marijuana purportedly used for medicinal purposes, even if such use is sanctioned by State law.
Medical cannabis patient information contained in Maryland’s patient registry is considered confidential, protected health information and held in compliance with federal HIPAA regulations by the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission. However, the Maryland State Police query individuals who seek to purchase a gun about their status as a medical cannabis patient and bar those who disclose that they are medical cannabis patients from making the transaction. Individuals who provide false information by failing to disclose that they are a medical cannabis patient when purchasing a firearm are in violation of federal statute, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of as much as $250,000.
​Is it legal to purchase a Micro RONI in the State of Maryland
The device itself is not a firearm and so its sale would not be regulated by the Maryland State Police, however when a pistol is placed within the device frame, the weapon becomes a rifle (because the weapon is "designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder.") And if the overall length of the combination weapon is less than 29", the weapon is now a "copycat weapon" subject to the prohibitions against possessing an assault weapon under CR Title 4, Subtitle 3. ​​
​Is an AK-47 handgun banned?
​No, an AK-47 handgun is not banned because it is not an assault long gun. An AK-47 handgun would still be a "regulated firearm" requiring a 77R and may not be sold in Maryland, or manufactured for distribution in Maryland, unless included on the Handgun Roster.​
​Is there a law for storing firearms in the home?
​Yes. Under the Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law, Article 4 Section 104, it is unlawful for any person to store or leave a loaded firearm in a location where the person knew or should have known that an unsupervised child would gain access to the firearm. (For safety purposes, the stored firearm should be unloaded and the use of a trigger lock is recommended).​
What handguns are approved for sale in Maryland?
​​Please click here for a com​ple​te list of approved handguns​​ for sale ​in Maryland.
​​Please contact our Licensing Division​ for that information.
How can I legally transport firearms within / through Maryland?
​They must be unloaded, in a carrying case, holster with a flap and the ammunition should be separate. It would be best to keep the unloaded weapon in the trunk where you do not have access to it. There are further regulations but essentially you can only transport a handgun between residence, to and from a repair shop, a shooting sporting event, between a residence and place of business if substantially owned and operated by the person. For more information please contact our Licensing Division​.
Do I get a card with my collector status?
​No. You will receive a letter explaining that you have been granted the status of a “Designated Collector”. This status allows for multiple firearm purchases.​
Am I licensed when I become a firearms collector?
​No. A Firearms collector is a status granted to an individual by the Maryland State Police. This status allows the individual to purchase more than one firearm at a time. This status does not grant any additional privileges or expedite the processing time required for a regulated firearms purchase.​
Do I need a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) in order to purchase a lower receiver?
No, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun is classified by the State as a “firearm," but not a “handgun". A Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is only needed if you are purchasing a handgun that is not clas sified as a curio and relic. ​
May I build my lower receiver purchased at any time into a handgun?
​​Yes, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun may be manufactured provided there is compliance with federal and other state laws—into a handgun.​
May I build my lower receiver purchased after 10/1/2013 into an assault long gun?
​No, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun purchased after 10/1/2013 may be built—provided there is compliance with federal and other state laws—only into a handgun, a short barreled rifle that has an overall length of 29 inches or greater, or if the lower receiver is an AR15 platform, into a heavy barrel model.​
How do you verify the credentials of current or retired military personnel?
​Please refer to the following web-page.
What if the applicant is a corporation?
​​If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be completed and executed by a corporate officer who is a resident of the State of Maryland.​
​If the dealer is a sole proprietor, then business stock is also the dealer's personal property. No 77R or HQL is required if the dealer transfers a regulated firearm from dealer stock to personal collection. If the sole proprietor dealer wanted to buy a handgun directly for his personal possession (from a licensed dealer in MD), then the dealer would have to complete the 77R and have a HQL.​
​The Public Safety Article 5-102(6) exempts dealers from all requirements of Title 5, Subtitle 1 of Public Safety. Dealers can acquire handguns without an HQL for dealer stock. So, a dealer does not need an HQL to acquire stock. If the dealer is a corporation or LLC and it wants to sell a handgun to one of its employees or corporate officers, the purchaser will need to complete a 77R and have a HQL. If the dealer is a sole proprietor, then the business stock is also their personal property and no 77R/HQL would be necessary for transfers from "business stock" to "personal collection.​
​The Public Safety Article, 5-146(a) states that the dealer/seller/transferor "shall notify the purchaser or recipient . . . ." The statute doesn't provide any further guidance. A response to question #23 on the newly revised 77R that the dealer did so is sufficient.
What do I do if I move to a new place of business? Do I keep my old license?
​A dealer's license is not transferable. Prior to moving a place of business, a licensee shall inform the Secretary and surrender the dealer's license.​
​No, the AR-10 is not banned for sale in Maryland. The AR-10 is not one of the enumerated banned assault weapons as listed in the Public Safety Title 5 101 (r) (2). Please click here to find the Public Safety Article​.
However, please note that an AR-10 could, depending on its specific configuration, meet the definition of a "copycat weapon" Criminal Law 4 301 (e)​
Is a folding stock a collapsible stock?
​Any firearm lawfully owned prior to October 1, 2013 is not required to be registered. Magazines are not required to be registered.​
​Stores are not expected to know whether or not the person who purchases ammunition is prohibited. You will not need a license of any kind to purchase ammunition.​
Does the new law require 16 hrs & 8 hrs (re-up) training for Conceal Carry Handgun permit holders?
​​16 hours of training is required for the initial issue of a handgun (carry) permit; 8 hours is required for the renewal of a handgun (carry) permit.​
​​​If you have already taken a course approved by the Secretary, the answer is yes. Exemptions from the HQL training requirement apply to someone who has taken the DNR Hunter Safety Course, is honorably discharged from the armed forces or National Guard, is an employee of an armored car company who has a handgun permit, or who lawfully owns a regulated firearm.
How do I obtain employment verification with MSP?
Effective January 1, 2016, fax requests will not be honored.
E-mail employment verification requests, along with the release authorization to You will receive a response to your request within 72 hours.
To contact by phone, call 410-653-4200 and ask for the Personnel Administration Section.
​A habitual user is a person who has been found guilty of two controlled dangerous substance crimes, one of which occurred in the past 5 years.​​
Habitual drunkard is a person who has been found guilty of any three crimes under § 21-902(a), (b), or (c) of the Transportation Article, one of which occurred in the past year.​​​
How do I view documents from the website?
In order to view documents that are PDFs please utilize Internet Explorer or disable the PDF Viewer in Google Chrome. Instructions for disabling the PDF Viewer can be found HERE​.​
Can a LiveScan provider that is not on the provider list fingerprint me?
No. They must be approved by the Dept. of Public Safety and Correctional Services. ​
Where can I go to be LiveScan fingerprinted?
To find a fingerprinting service provider, please click HERE​.​​
What are the State and Federal firearm prohibitors?
​Click State Prohibitors.pdf for the State Prohibitors
Click Federal Prohibitors.pdf for the Federal Prohibitors​​
How do I expunge my criminal record?
Information referencing expungement can be obtained through the Maryland Courts website. To access their website please click here​.​​
How do you verify the credentials of current or retired military personnel?
​Please refer to the following web-page:​
Do I need an HQL to fire at a gun range?
​​No. An HQL is the only required to purchase, rent or transfer a firearm.​
​When applying for your HQL you will be asked for the serial number of your legally owned handgun. Upon providing that serial number you will have met your obligation.​
​​The Maryland State Police will enforce the requirements of the new law with respect to applicants whose applications are pending as of October 1. In light of the number of currently pending applications, resulting from the unprecedented spike in new applications in recent months, it is a fair, reasoned, and appropriate result for those who are waiting for their pending purchase applications to be processed. Persons who submit purchase applications on or after October 1, 2013, unless otherwise exempted by law, will be required to apply for and obtain a handgun qualification license before attempting to purchase a handgun.
How does a new resident register a regulated firearm?
As of October 1, 2013, the registration process has been automated on the Maryland State Police Licensing Division webpage.​
How do I register to instruct the Firearms Safety Training Course?
As of October 1, 2013, the registration process has been automated on the Maryland State Police Licensing Division webpage.​
How will a firearms dealer know that I have a Handgun Qualification License?
​The Maryland State Police will issue a Handgun Qualification License to present to the dealer.​
How do I apply for a Handgun Qualification License?
As of October 1, 2013, the application process has been automated on the Maryland State Police Licensing Division webpage.​
Do I need a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) in order to purchase a lower receiver?
​No, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun is classified by the State as a “firearm," but not a “handgun". A Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is only needed if you are purchasing a handgun that is not clas​​​​​sified as a curio and relic. ​
May I build my lower receiver purchased at any time into a handgun?
​Yes, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun may be manufactured provided there is compliance with federal and other state laws—into a handgun.​
May I build my lower receiver purchased after 10/1/2013 into an assault long gun?
​​No, a lower receiver of a banned assault long gun purchased after 10/1/2013 may be built—provided there is compliance with federal and other state laws—only into a handgun, a short barreled rifle that has an overall length of 29 inches or greater, or if the lower receiver is an AR15 platform, into a heavy barrel model.
Who will be responsible for fingerprinting applicants?
​The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Please refer to the Public Safety and Correctional Services website for fingerprinting details and locations.​​ -
​Habitual user is a person who has been found guilty of two controlled dangerous substance crimes, one of which occurred in the past 5 years.​
​Habitual drunkard is a person who has been found guilty of any three crimes under § 21-902(a), (b), or (c) of the Transportation Article, one of which occurred in the past year.​
Will I need to obtain a Handgun Qualification License in order to purchase a regulated firearm
​Yes. Please see the Handgun Qualification License page for more information​.
Can you check my record prior to filling out the paperwork for a regulated firearm?
​No, Maryland law does not allow the Maryland State Police to access your criminal record without first having an application on file.
​Even though you have recently purchased a handgun legally, a background check is still required. MSP must ensure that since the time of your purchase you have not been served a protective order, or been arrested, convicted of a disqualifying crime, or placed on supervised probation, etc.
​A person may not purchase more than one regulated firearm in a 30-Day period. You may complete more than one application within 30 days, however you may not transfer or take possession of more than one firearm within the 30 day period. Exceptions to this rule are listed on the Regulated Firearms Collector page.​
​If there are any discrepancies discovered on the 77R application and/or during any records checks, the application will be placed on hold pending further review by a Maryland State Trooper to ensure the applicant is not prohibited from possessing a regulated firearm.
How do I check the status of my application?
​Applications being processed by the Firearms Registration Section can be found at the top of the home page. If you applied prior to the date listed and have not been contacted, or if you have additional questions or concerns, please send your status check request to:
What is the process upon receipt of my application?
​Upon receipt of the application, and all required documents and information, a review of the application packet will begin. Those applications determined to be incomplete, inaccurate and/or with purposeful omissions will be returned to the sender. A criminal investigation of the applicant and/or submitter may be initiated if false information is supplied. Returned applications are not considered received by the Licensing Division until they are returned satisfactorily completed with the necessary attachments and fees.
A background investigation will be initiated on those applications accurately submitted in their entirety. The date the background is initiated depends on the accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness of the submission. The Maryland State Police will investigate the character, reputation, and qualifications of each applicant. The State Police shall conduct a computer generated criminal history background investigation of the applicant to determine if the applicant is prohibited by State or federal law from purchasing or possessing a regulated firearm or if the applicant is engaged in the business of selling firearms for profit.
Applicants found to be prohibited by State or federal law from purchasing or possessing a regulated firearm, or is engaged in the business, the application shall be disapproved. Upon completion of the investigation, the Maryland State Police will evaluate the information provided and issue permits appropriately. -
What do I do if my name or address changes?
​It is the Permit holder’s responsibility to ensure the Licensing Division is notified of address or name changes in writing. There is no fee to change information maintained by the Licensing Division. E-mail notifications are not accepted and you may not receive a confirmation of receipt for change of information.
Can I legally transport firearms interstate?
​​Yes, under Title 18, Section 926A, of the United States Code, a person who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment. In the case the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked compartment other than the glove compartment or console.​
Can I legally transport my regulated firearm to the range?
​Yes, however, Maryland and Federal laws require specific conditions be met while transporting a handgun. Please refer to Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law, Title 4, Section 203 for a detailed account of wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun. You may access the Maryland General Assembly website at You can access the Federal requirements through and conduct a search for “27 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 178” and then look for “Transportation of Firearms.” The basic requirement during transport is the handgun must be unloaded and in an enclosed case or enclosed holster with the ammunition separate from the handgun AND you must be transporting the handgun to or from the locations listed in the statute.
​A Maryland resident who lawfully owned the firearm prior to October 1, 2013 may travel with the firearm to other states and return so long as it is not a violation in the state you are traveling to and the firearm is being transported in accordance with the law. A person may not transport an assault weapon into Maryland for target competition unless the person lawfully possesses, has a purchase order for, or applied to purchase the weapon before October 1, 2013. Federal law allows a person to transport a firearm through Maryland but not to Maryland if the firearm is not in compliance with state law.
Untracable Firearms
Test Test
​As long as the renewal application has been submitted in the Licensing Portal at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiration date of the current handgun permit, you are still allowed to carry on the expired permit until you receive your renewed permit. If the application is returned to you for incompleteness and you resubmit it after the two (2) weeks, you will not be allowed to carry your handgun.​
What documentation do I need to submit with my renewal application?
​You need to submit the same documentation as when you first applied.​
How do I obtain a replacement if my Handgun Permit is lost or stolen?
Wear and Carry card “Replacement” requests are submitted in your online portal account. If you do not have an existing portal account, you will need to create one to submit this request. You must attach a notarized letter to your online request, explaining the circumstances of the loss/theft. There is a $10 fee, which is paid via credit card upon the submission of your request. If you are a security guard, private detective, armored car driver or special police officer, please attach an updated company sponsorship to your request.​
Can the application be handwritten?
​No. The application must be completed and submitted online in the Licensing Division Portal. (Licensing Portal​)​
Can a handgun instructor that is not on the list qualify me?
​No. The handgun instructor must be registered with the Maryland State Police on-line registration.​
How can I find an approved certified handgun instructor?
​​A list of Qualified Handgun Instructors is available online here​.
Who is exempt from the training requirement?
​​Click Here​ to see the exemptions
Can an out-of-state LiveScan provider print me?
​No. Out-of-state providers are not approved by the Dept. of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
Can a LiveScan provider that is not on this list print me?
​No. They must be approved by the Dept. of Public Safety and Correctional Services.​
Where can I go to be LiveScan fingerprinted?
​To find a fingerprinting service provider, please Click Here​.
Can I legally transport firearms interstate?
Yes, under Title 18, Section 926A, of the United States Code, a person who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment. In the case the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked compartment other than the glove compartment or console.​​
Can I legally transport my regulated firearm to the range?
​Yes, however, Maryland and Federal laws require specific conditions be met while transporting a handgun. Please refer to Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law, Title 4, Section 203 for a detailed account of wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun. You may access the Maryland General Assembly website at You can access the Federal requirements through​ and conduct a search for “27 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 178” and then look for “Transportation of Firearms.” The basic requirement during transport is the handgun must be unloaded and in an enclosed case or enclosed holster with the ammunition separate from the handgun AND you must be transporting the handgun to or from the locations listed in the statute.​
I have a permit/CCW from my state. Is this valid in Maryland?
​No. Maryland does not recognize permits/CCWs from any other state.​